Monday, September 15, 2008

Greetings From Phoenix, Arizona

Hello from sunny and hot Phoenix, Arizona.
I am so glad that Marilyn was able set this up for us. We will now be able to communicate a lot of wonderful information through this new Blog. Not only will we be able to utilize this blog to hear from delegates and AMTA CT board members at National Conference, we will be able to "blog" for the New England Regional Conference in March as well!
Lee and I arrived late on Sunday, and we were able to get ourselves acclimated to our surroundings today. We walked throughout Phoenix in temperatures that reached 104 degrees. Later, we were able retreat to the AC and sit in on the open session of the National Board of Directors meeting. The National Board of Directors are meeting Monday and Tuesday. I will be able to let you know the location of the 2011 National Conference and a lot more information later on this week. I hope to be able to post some pictures of our delegates in action. We have a CT delegates meeting scheduled for Tuesday Evening at our Hotel. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to this year's National Conference, be sure to post a blog question, and I will be happy to respond. I am just getting adjusted to the time change. Hope all is well back in CT. ~Scott


Marilyn at NERC 2014 said...

Hi Scott, Great to read your post, and to know that the blog is up and running! Chapter members -- please feel free to post comments and/or questions for Scott and the other board members and delegates in Phoenix.

AMTA CT Chapter said...

Thanks Marilyn, hope everyone enjoys the banter!