Thursday, September 18, 2008

Chapter Presidents Council

Today was the second full day for Scott and I and the first full day for our Delegates. Although I am no longer President I had the opportunity to sit in on the Chapter Presidents Council meeting as an assistant to the facilitator. This meeting was overall good but there were two things that really stood out for me.

The first was the very brief but very emotional speech by MT Foundation President Diana Thompson. You all know that we participate in the dollar per member campaign but I don't know if you realize where our dollars go. It is distributed primarily in the form of community service grants. I don't believe there was a dry eye as Diana explained the two projects we helped fund. 'Bodywork for the Homeless' in Seattle and 'Massage Therapy for Torture Survivors' in Chicago. It was heart rendering and tremendously powerful and truly shows the enormous healing powers of Massage. Also announced was that the New Mexico Chapter no longer donates $1.00 per member but $5! Maybe we need to think about this! The Foundation work is very important and in many ways I believe it is one of the keys in helping to shape the future of our profession.
The second event that stood out was watching our Chapter President received his Presidents pin from National President MK Brennan. There were 29 new Chapter Presidents. Scott is already making his presence know as indicated by the fact he was nominated for moderator for the Presidents Council for next year. Once again our leader is making us PROUD. It has been a busy yet productive day here at the National Convention. Stay tuned for more stories from Phoenix!
Talk to you all later!
Lee Stang

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