Friday, September 19, 2008

Old Wives tale

Hello from sunny and HOT Phoenix! Well actually I got ahead of myself a bit. I want to start by clearing up some miss information that us New England folks have been fed for years. If its 105 degrees here in Phoenix, and yes it is dry heat, its still HOT!! Now that is fun if its 10 degrees in Connecticut, but I digress.

I am so happy to be serving as an alternate delegate this year, for our much respected state, I might add. We delegates are kept busy every day with our duties so we can report back to you and it is an honor to represent all of you on a National stage.

Speaking of stage, my first view from the podium yesterday serving as MC of our opening session and awards ceremony was seeing our entire Connecticut crew sitting front and center. I am glad they were so close to the stage as it made it easier to accept all of our awards. Congrats to all members of the Sports Massage team, and the Community Service team and of course to Shirley Cooper member extraordinaire.

I must say that the House of Delegates was the most impressive, and productive I have ever attended . In 4 hours we were able to pass 3 position statements and 3 recommendations!!! I am sure some of you are waiting to hear about Connecticut's recommendation, drum roll please............ it passed! Great work and congrats to Maureen Stott and so many others who put so much time and thought into this process! We can't wait to brief you all on the HOD and all of the happenings including the ice cream social we had to celebrate our recommendation passing right in the middle of the house! The alternates were able to send the treats up to the delegates and yes Connecticut was once again the envy of surrounding states. Bet you didn't know how important a job this can be!

So now we have some time, and well deserved down time I might add, to relax amongst friends as tonight is our state chapter dinner. I am told that we are headed for "Southwestern cuisine", and Scott is packing Rolaids for all.

Sending you all a piece of the beautiful sunrise over the mountains out my hotel room window every morning.....................

Kerry Methot

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