Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Greetings from Lee Stang

Hello Everyone,
Lee here reporting in from Phoenix. Once again it is great to be able to keep you all posted on Convention happenings. I sit in the National Board Meeting with Scott and am pleased to announce, to no surprise, that he represents our Chapter well as President. People already know him and the general consensus seems to be that he is a great guy and terrific leader. Now we in CT already know that but it is nice to see our impressions reinforced! We are in good hands with him leading the way!

Our delegates are arriving today as you know and we look forward to an exciting and busy convention. There are certainly some important things at hand as we move into House of Delegate business, so keep checking the site and we will keep you updated. Something to keep in mind. Next years convention is in Orlando. Wouldn't it be great to have lots of CT therapists take advantage of it being on the east coast. It is a great opportunity for education in terms of classes but it is more impressive the education you get simply networking with hundreds of therapist from all areas of the United States. So start a new budget line and think about saving for Orlando.

That's all from now. We shall keep in touch. Have to spread out the fun anyway we can!

Lee Stang,
Immediate Past President

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